Recreational marijuana has been legalized in Arizona for a year but the promise to repair the Black & Brown communities that have been targeted and disproportionately impacted by unjust drug enforcement remains unfulfilled.
The rules for the Social Equity program were written that allows for those dollars to leave the communities it was intended to repair.
Recognizing this may very well be the last frontier for social equity for the marijuana industry. Acre 41 joined forces with the Greater Phoenix Urban League and filed suit against the State to right this wrong.
Join us for a program that will include the advocates fighting for your community, inform you on the legalized Marijuana industry in Arizona, possible impact of the flawed Social Equity program and what's being done to correct this.
Greater Phoenix Urban League Young Professionals is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. 1402 S. 7th Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85007